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Overview: Enhancing Mobile Inventory Management for 3500 + Auction Houses to Drive Revenue through Increased Bids

I spearheaded the redesign vision for our mobile app, focusing on driving bid increases to boost revenue. Presented to stakeholders and executives, it emphasizes seamless integration with the desktop version and prioritizes quick, inventory-centric actions while aligning with e-commerce patterns. As we're currently building this, we plan to measure its impact post-launch by tracking adoption rates among auctioneers and monitoring the performance of auctions conducted through the app compared to previous ones. Additionally, we'll gather feedback from both auctioneers and bidders to identify areas for improvement and ensure ongoing refinement of the platform.


Product Designer


3 Months


Figma, FigmaJam


Misaligned Primary Feature ​​; event focused vs e-commerce/ inventory focus​​

​Cumbersome and Confusing user experience​


Attract and Get More Bids  to increase revenue​​


The outcome of our project was a redesigned mobile app with a strong focus on inventory media management, aligning closely with the app's primary function. We enhanced the user experience by incorporating design patterns from popular e-commerce sites like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and Etsy. The app was specifically crafted for quick on-the-go use, such as capturing inventory in a warehouse, and was optimized for ease of use, even with an average of over 1000 lots per auction.





Stakeholder Feedback

Stakeholders appreciated the application's intuitive design and user-friendly patterns, which resembled typical e-commerce platforms, facilitating seamless interactions. They also commended the streamlined media gallery management and editing process, citing its simplicity and alignment with industry standards.

Measuring Impact Post Launch

To measure the impact after the launch, we'll compare how auctions and inventories perform with live bidders between those created with the new app and those from previous auctions managed by the same auctioneers. Additionally, we'll track the increase in app usage and gather feedback from auctioneers and bidders to assess their satisfaction with the app's enhanced features. To mitigate   risks, we conducted competitor analysis and followed their best practices to create a user experience similar to e-commerce platforms, making adoption easier.


Interested in this work? Read  a more  comprehensive case study  below  or reach out and I'd love to discuss this with you in detail. 

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